Ken Wittekiend

Excellence in
Aviation Education
Guiding Principles
I am an aviation educator who is passionate about providing excellence in advanced flight training.
Excellence, begins with experience. First, the educator must have broad and relevant experience in teaching. I have been teaching pilots for over 40 years and have given more than 8000 hours of instruction. This also demands experience in the models of aircraft and with the avionics to be used. I fly and teach in a variety of general aviation aircraft from Beechcraft Bonanzas to Piper Supercubs. Then excellence extends to the syllabus, teaching materials and the ability to explain the technical concepts in ways to foster understanding.
Next, the client should expect excellent customer service which means there is a clear plan of action provided that defines the objectives of the training. It also means receiving prompt responses to inquiries, a professional approach to client interactions, and a positive attitude that fosters learning and makes it fun.
“My mission is to provide aviation education to students and pilots who aspire to aviation excellence. From the first lesson, we teach basic, fundamental skills that resonate throughout a pilot’s flying career. We believe that flight training should be organized, structured, professional and fun. Our first responsibility is to create a safe, supportive and positive environment where learning can flourish.”